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In which cases it is necessary to call a doctor сурдолога/аудиалога at home?
Specialists of the Hearing Center in Kiev, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Lviv, Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk, Dnipro, Zaporozhye, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Kramatorsk, equipped with modern high-precision equipment for diagnostics and individual selection of hearing aids, carry out home visits to patients with hearing problems.
The service of visiting a specialist at home for the purpose of diagnosis and selection of a hearing aid is necessary if your elderly parents or relatives have limited mobility due to age or after diseases and do not leave the house.
Details about the selection of a hearing aid at home.
The departure of an audiologist / surdologist specialist is carried out by appointment, on a day and time convenient for you. The examination service includes an examination of the auditory passages (otoscopy), a hearing examination (acumetry) and computer audiometry. Modern equipment is used — an audiometer, as well as software for the selection and fine-tuning of digital programmable hearing aids. There is always a set of several dozen models of hearing aids of different technical levels and the best manufacturers in the world. After determining hearing loss based on diagnostics, a specialist will select and configure the most suitable hearing aids for you, teach you how to use and care for them. For comfortable use of the hearing aid, the doctor will make an impression of the ear for the manufacture of an individual ear insert or an in-ear hearing aid. A completed warranty card and a user manual for the hearing aid must be issued.
Preparing the patient for the arrival of the doctor.
The selection of a hearing aid at home is always a more time-consuming process compared to that in a specialized office, so it is necessary to prepare the patient for the arrival of a doctor. It is desirable that at the time of selecting a hearing aid, the patient does not have any inflammatory processes in the ear. If the patient had acute vascular disorders, for example, a recent stroke, it is better to postpone hearing replacement until the restoration of health. At the time of the doctor’s arrival, someone from relatives or close people should be at home with the patient to be present at the selection and take responsibility for the purchase of a hearing aid.
There are branches and partners of the Hearing Center in all regional centers and many cities of Ukraine. Call or email us right now and we will definitely provide you with professional help!